
This is a blog, as the tagline says, about me and my wife and our adventures in parenting.  While most parents try, with all their might, to get their children to stop: crying, demanding and pushing back; we relish the tears, encourage the tantrums and applaud his resistance.

ImageWhile we hear most parents say things like “you’re ok, your’re ok” when their children hurt themselves.  Or, “oh your fine, it was just a little fall” We take every opportunity that is presented to us to allow our son to fully feel his feelings.  Sometimes even when it seems it is the last thing he wants to do.  We have been doing this with our son since he was born.  He will be 3 this July.  We believe fiercely that he will have more of his mind because of this and are completely dedicated to raising an emotionally whole person, who knows how to work through his distress.

At times our posts may seem like we are bragging, we may be, at times they may seem completely bizarre to you.  We have decided to start a blog about our experiences, to share our trials and tribulations, our joys and risks and the sheer delight we feel in our family.  We hope you enjoy it, we hope it makes you question what all the parenting books out there are telling you what to do…and question us.

Our son’s name is Gave, this is what we give him and what he gives us.

Thanks for reading, Rachel